For Parents

One of the key components to a successful School Pool Program is communication.

Social Media Groups are a great way to connect with other parents who have the similar goals of getting their children to school safely and efficiently.

Start the conversation on alternative traveling with “Walk to School Day” and “Bike to School Day”. These are great ways to test out potential routes to school and to meet other students and parents in your neighborhood.

Our Program Provides

  • Education & Awareness

    Students taught valuable lessons in both travel safety and environmental sustainability.

  • Carpooling

    We match parents and students with other parents/students to share a ride to school through the use of our ride matching software.

  • Bike & Walk Groups

    We have formed organized student bike and walk-to-school groups to promote a healthier lifestyle.

  • Walk to School Day

    International Walk to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 counties walking and biking to school on the same day. Each October schools across the region participate in Walk to School day to promote walking to school in groups. This is a great way to start and promote walking school buses.

  • SchoolPool Contests

    Host various contest used to promote the use of alternative modes of transportation, safety, and environmental sustainability. Last year, Miami Shores Elementary won a party sponsored by the Miami Marlins.

  • Bike to School Day

    Almost 1,000 local events in 49 states and the District of Columbia joined to encourage children to safely bicycle, skate, scooter or walk to school. This is a great way to start and promote bike trains.

Walking School Bus

A walking school bus is a group of students walking to school with one or more adults. It can be as informal as two families taking their children to school or a structured planned route with meeting points and a schedule for volunteers and parents.

Several communities have begun organizing walking school buses. Parents bring their children to a designated safe location near the school and students walked in a group to school with supervision from teachers, county volunteers, and parents.

Walk To School Day in Miramar, FL.

Bicycle Train

Bicycle trains are when a group of two or more students cycle to school together. Bicycle trains are recommended for older elementary students as well as middle and high school students.

In Sunny Isles, FL, the community gathered with local law enforcement to hold an escorted Bike To School day. This event emphasized the importance of bicycle maintenance, safety, and following the rules of the road.

Focus on education

High schools can take advantage of our engineering program. A hands on learning experience with trained engineers. With our mentorship assistance Hialeah Gardens High School engineering students won awards and scholarships.

Social Media Ridesharing Groups

Schedules don't always line up for physical events so a potential way to connect with other parents are through social media groups where you can meet other parents and discuss potential ride matching at your convenience.

Ridesharing Group in Austin, Texas
Ridesharing Group in Ontario, Canada
Ridesharing Group for Florida State University

Social Media PTA Groups

Using existing social media groups such as PTA Facebook Groups are a great way to meet and communicate with other parent's on creating carpool groups. Using an existing platform that's active can expedite the process of connecting potential ride matches.

Florinada Elementary PTA Group

Stay up-to-date

Be sure to visit our site often for the latest news and updates on the School Pool program.